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5 Questions with Cara Chacon

In this recurring series, a member of our Saks leadership team answers five questions that reflect on their personal and professional journey while sharing insight into their work here at Saks.This installment features Cara Chacon, who leads Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG).

Cara joined Saks in 2022 with over 24 years of experience in corporate responsibility, sustainability, and compliance. She focuses on ensuring that all areas of Saks create a positive impact on the environment and the communities that we serve, and specializes in brand strategic planning and supply chain program development. 

What is the best advice you have ever received?

“I had a previous boss that said it’s important to over-communicate. I really like this and think it has served me well through my career because clarity goes a long way. I think it speeds you up to results and success faster” 

“A second [piece of advice] I would mention is to practice public speaking. Throughout my career I have spoken publicly, and I was told to just be myself up there and I think that’s really helped me. I don’t think I have it fully figured out yet, but I feel like I became a better speaker once I started practicing.”

What was your dream job as a child?

“I wanted to be a scientist and cure cancer. I really did. I have no idea where I got that from. I didn’t know any scientists and didn’t know anyone who was sick at the time. I had microscopes and science kits that my parents had bought me and I had experiments going on in my bedroom. I still love science, and I enjoy reading about it.”

What is a surprising fact about you?

“I have two surprising facts, but I’ll keep them short. I’ve been to over Sixty countries, mainly as a part of my work in sustainability and human rights. Most of the countries are developing countries and I’ve met the most amazing, kind and interesting people from all walks of life. It’s been life changing and I feel very fortunate to have had these experiences”

“My number two interesting fact is that I love sci-fi movies, especially ones about alternate realities.”

How would you describe your style?

“I would say it’s evolved over the years but if I had to describe it, I would call it earthy-modern with a bit of an edge here and there. I like a lot of black clothing with something unexpected that’s a little bit earthy. I’ve recently enjoyed adding vintage Navajo, Hopi, and Zuni jewelry into my wardrobe, and learning about the craft. It’s meaningful to me because we have a lot of indigenous roots on my dad’s side going back hundreds of years. It's been really cool to learn more about that.”

What excites you most about the future of Saks?

"I am very excited to help shape the culture of Saks through working on the company-wide ESG strategy. Diversity, equity, and inclusion are near and dear to my heart, and it's very meaningful, powerful and impactful work." 

Check out Cara Chacon on LinkedIn and stay tuned for future installments!